“Commission Completed”

I recently had a client reach out to me wanting to commission me to do a “beach scene”. I was relieved after some brief conversations to find out the only parameters I had to stay within were-  it had to be a ‘triptych’ and the size! Uhhhh… Can you say “heck yeah?!” Lol. Seriously, EVERY artist loves to be given this kind of leeway when creating!  With that being said, I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t tell you that I was a little apprehensive to start it.  Crazy, right? Well, if you take a look at the direction my art has taken me over the last year or two, you’ll understand why! Not to mention with “leeway” comes the burden of “interpretation” of such freedom given! One runs the risk of the client’s vision and yours, not being in sync. I am happy to say he loved it! Whew! Now I can rest easy.

It was a nice break from the “trees” and the “abstract” series I’ve been working on and for that I am grateful!

And yes, for those who ask, I don’t just do “trees” and “abstract”.  So if you are interested in commissioning a piece of art that fits your “style”, please don’t hesitate to ask. Hit me up!

I am hoping everyone has had a blessed day filled with awe and wonder, living in the moment, and some dancing too!

~ Love & light

Anne Marie Oliver, triptych, sunset, vibrant, colorful, beach, art, commission