About Me

After spending many years fighting against her true calling in life, Anne Oliver decided to fight no more and set upon a new adventure where she followed her heart and returned back to college. Embarking on this journey lead her to her true passion-the arts! Three years later, in 2003, she earned a Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree (emphasis in Painting) and graduated Summa Cum Laude from the School of Art & Art History at the University of Florida. She looks back at that time in her life as a “magical experience.” She states, “I not only feel fortunate enough to have been given a second chance to pursue my education; but I feel enormously blessed to have been given such great instruction from my professors and for the friendships that were developed there.”

Ms. Anne Oliver works out of her home studio located in North Florida. She would classify herself as a versatile painter, fluctuating between arrays of styles, depending upon her mood. In learning to not fight the internal instinct/eclectic nature of her being which drives her, she no longer questions the need to “dabble.” So she simply listens, embraces and goes with the flow. Each style offers her something new, exciting, and unique from the others.

Much of her inspiration stems from the sights, sounds and colors around her; from the quiet moments reflecting at the beach, the endless walks and time spent in nature, to the crowds at art festivals and venues, from her children, to the everyday insanity and normalcy of “life.” When she takes these experiences and heads into the studio, a sense of serenity and passion offer her a platform where she can detach from the many distractions of the world and simply “create.” It is here where she finds herself, by way of examining who she was, who she would like to become, and of course, it is where she has visions and dreams for the future. It is through her artwork in which she chooses to express this. The canvas serves as her stage, allowing her paintings and drawings to act as a visual diary/record of her experiences.

She has exhibited her work in both solo and group exhibitions and her artwork can be found in both public and private collections throughout U.S., Canada and Japan.